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How to Stop Diarrhea on Dogs with Natural Remedies

Diarrhea is a common problem in dogs and can be caused by various factors. The good news is that it is usually treatable and preventable. To stop diarrhea in your dog, it is important to figure out the cause and then take appropriate steps to address it.

When determining the cause of diarrhea, consider any changes that have been made in the diet, the environment, or any other lifestyle changes your pup may have recently experienced. Stress can also be a factor, so it’s important to evaluate your pup’s stress level and address any issues. Once you have identified the cause, you can address the issue by modifying their diet, providing additional fluids, and administering medication from your veterinarian if necessary. Additionally, adding probiotics or digestive enzymes to their diet can help prevent future occurrences.

Do you have a pup that’s prone to diarrhea? If so, you know how frustrating it can be to identify the cause and find a solution. Fortunately, several natural remedies may help address the root cause of your pup’s diarrhea. In this blog post, we’ll cover the top 10 natural remedies for treating diarrhea in dogs and the benefits of feeding a home-cooked diet to help stop the bouts of diarrhea.

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Treating Diarrhea in Dogs

As pet owners, keeping our furry friends healthy can sometimes be challenging. Diarrhea in dogs is especially concerning, and trying to figure out the best course of action can be stressful. Fortunately, many natural remedies can help reduce the symptoms of diarrhea in dogs. Here, we will explore the top 10 natural remedies for treating diarrhea in dogs so that you can provide your pup with the care they need right away.

1. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is an excellent remedy for a dog’s upset stomach and other digestive issues. A teaspoon of canned pumpkin (not pie filling, just plain pumpkin) can be mixed with the usual food to help soothe the digestive system and firm up stools. Pumpkin is a nutritious food filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which can benefit digestion. It is also low in calories and fat and can act as a mild appetite stimulant. The fiber in pumpkin removes toxins from the digestive system, while the vitamins and minerals support healthy digestion. It can also help absorb excess fluids contributing to loose stools. All these factors make canned pumpkins an excellent choice for helping to restore a healthy balance in your pet’s digestive system.

2. White Rice

White Rice is a great natural remedy for treating diarrhea in dogs. It is easy to digest and helps absorb excess liquid in the gut, making it an ideal choice for those experiencing bouts of diarrhea. The high fiber content found in white rice also helps support healthy digestion and firm stool. Additionally, white rice is low in fat and provides essential vitamins and minerals to your dog’s diet. When preparing white rice for your dog, cook it completely before serving. Cooked white rice should be cool before feeding it to your pup, as extremely hot food can damage their delicate digestive tract. Furthermore, it is best to avoid any added flavors or seasonings. Keeping the rice plain will help ensure that your pup’s digestive system remains calm and settled.

3. Bland Diet

A bland diet, such as boiled chicken and white rice, is the simplest way to treat diarrhea in dogs. This diet will help them to recover quickly, as these ingredients contain easy-to-digest proteins and carbohydrates. When introducing new foods, take it slow and introduce just one ingredient at a time, reducing the chances of any further stomach upset.

In addition to a bland diet, there are also some natural treatments for diarrhea in dogs. Probiotics can help restore intestinal balance, while slippery elm is soothing and healing for the digestive tract. Adding canned pumpkin to the diet can help firm up a stool, ginger helps to reduce nausea, and slippery elm can help to soothe inflammation. Herbal remedies such as chamomile or calendula may also be beneficial for fighting off an infection or reducing inflammation in the gut. Before incorporating any of these natural remedies, speak with your veterinarian first.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is a great natural remedy for treating diarrhea in dogs. It contains beneficial bacteria that can help restore balance to your pup’s digestive system. Look for plain yogurt without added sugar, as this can worsen the symptoms of diarrhea. If your pup is lactose intolerant, choose a lactose-free variety. Yogurt can be given to your dog as a treat, or you can add it to their regular food.

Adding fiber-rich foods like pumpkin and sweet potatoes to your dog’s diet can help solidify their stool. Another natural remedy you can try is slippery elm bark powder, which is thought to soothe the digestive tract and help with inflammation. You can mix slippery elm bark powder with water to create a paste and feed it to your dog. Consult your vet before trying these remedies to ensure they are suitable for your pup.

5. Low-Fat Foods

Low-fat foods can help ease your pup’s tummy troubles and reduce the amount of fat processed in your pup’s digestive tract. Choose lean proteins like boiled chicken and turkey or grilled fish. These lean proteins contain fewer fats, allowing your pup to digest their food easier and reducing their chances of developing diarrhea. Low-fat vegan options are also available, such as raw vegetables and tofu. Some pups may also benefit from low-fat food that incorporates probiotic ingredients.

There are various natural remedies that you can use to treat diarrhea in your pup. Adding a teaspoon of plain yogurt to your pup’s food may help restore healthy gut bacteria levels, aiding digestion and reducing inflammation. You can also try giving your pup a boiled egg white with their food, as the protein found in egg whites is known to help with diarrhea. Finally, consider adding over-the-counter probiotics to your pup’s daily diet to boost gut health and aid digestion.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a simple and effective way to help reduce symptoms of dog diarrhea. A few drops of apple cider vinegar can be added to your pup’s water to help reduce the acidity in their stomach. This can be especially beneficial for dogs prone to upset stomachs from eating certain foods. Apple Cider Vinegar helps to get their digestive system running more smoothly and helps to reduce the severity of diarrhea.

Adding apple cider vinegar to the water for dogs with mild diarrhea can help treat the condition quickly and effectively. This is a simple, natural remedy that is both affordable and easy to use. It is also important to ensure your dog receives plenty of hydration while suffering from diarrhea, as this will help its body recover faster and flush out toxins. Additionally, providing a healthy diet with plenty of probiotics and prebiotics can help reduce symptoms of diarrhea even further.

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7. Probiotics

Probiotics are a great natural remedy for treating diarrhea in dogs. Probiotics help restore balance to the digestive system, promoting healthy digestion and reducing diarrhea symptoms. When looking for a probiotic supplement specific to dogs, look for one with live microbes resembling the beneficial bacteria found naturally in the canine gut. These should be administered daily until diarrhea symptoms have improved.

There are also other natural remedies to treat dog diarrhea. Water soluble fiber from over-the-counter sources such as psyllium husk can help firm loose stools by absorbing excess liquid. Adding canned pumpkin puree to your dog’s food can also help firm stools due to its high fiber content. Prebiotics such as inulin and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) can also nourish beneficial bacteria in a dog’s gastrointestinal tract, aiding in digestion and helping to restore balance. Always consult your veterinarian before trying any natural remedies on your pet.

8. Slippery Elm Bark

Slippery Elm Bark is a natural remedy for treating diarrhea in dogs. The Slippery Elm tree’s bark contains mucilage, a gummy substance that coats the stomach and intestines, helping reduce inflammation and ease diarrhea symptoms. The powder can be mixed with water and added to food for easy administration. Slippery Elm also has other health benefits for dogs, as it helps soothe skin irritations and reduce coughing. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces fever, vomiting, and joint pain. Because Slippery Elm is a natural remedy, no known side effects are associated with its use. Therefore, it is an excellent choice for owners looking to treat their dogs without resorting to conventional medicines.

9. Bananas

Bananas can be a great natural remedy for treating diarrhea in dogs. Adding a little mashed banana to your pup’s food can help firm up stools and restore balance to their digestive system. Bananas are high in potassium, a mineral known to be a key electrolyte and nutritional component of those suffering from diarrhea. Potassium helps the body retain fluids and plays a role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission, which is essential for healthy bodily functions. Additionally, bananas are an excellent source of fiber, which helps absorb water to prevent dehydration and add bulk to the dog’s diet. Feeding your pup bananas regularly can help keep their digestive system healthy by slowing food movement through their intestine and absorbing toxins. You should consult your veterinarian to ensure the best treatment plan when treating your pup’s diarrhea.

10. Electrolytes

Diarrhea in dogs is uncomfortable and can lead to serious health issues if not treated properly. Fortunately, a few natural remedies can help restore your dog’s digestive health. Electrolytes are essential for maintaining proper hydration and balance and are often lost due to diarrhea. Replenish fluids and electrolytes lost due to diarrhea by offering your pup chicken or beef broth or an electrolyte drink made specifically for pets. You can also give over-the-counter probiotics, which help restore the normal balance of bacteria in the gut. Probiotics provide beneficial bacteria to help aid digestion, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

Exercise is also important for aiding digestion and reducing stress. Low-impact activities such as walking or swimming can help soothe your pup’s stomach. Lastly, adding a few drops of peppermint oil or slippery elm bark to your dog’s food may help settle their stomach and reduce symptoms like vomiting and bloating. Natural remedies are effective in treating diarrhea and safe for your pet, and don’t come with the potential side effects that some medications can cause.

An Overview of Over-the-Counter Medications for Diarrhea in Dogs

Over-the-counter medications for diarrhea in dogs can help relieve your pup’s discomfort by reducing inflammation and controlling symptoms. These medications typically contain active ingredients such as loperamide, which helps reduce the frequency of bowel movements, and bismuth Subsalicylate, which helps reduce stool volume. Other active ingredients may include Kaolin, which helps to absorb water in the intestines and form bulkier stools. Many OTC diarrhea medications also contain antacids to help reduce stomach irritation and aid digestion.

If your pup is experiencing diarrhea, it’s important to contact your veterinarian, who can recommend the best course of action. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics to help with bacterial infections or other prescription medications to help treat certain issues. Over-the-counter products may be used as a supplement to help relieve discomfort and control symptoms in more mild cases of diarrhea.

How to Change Your Dog’s Diet to Help Stop Diarrhea

If you’re looking for a way to help ease your pup’s discomfort due to chronic diarrhea, it’s time to look for ways to change your dog’s diet. The right food can do wonders to improve your dog’s health. Here are five tips to help you create the perfect diet that could stop your dog’s chronic diarrhea. Making simple changes can make our furry friends feel better in no time!

1. Introduce New Foods Slowly

If your dog is dealing with diarrhea, changing its diet may help. Take a look at their current diet and remove any processed foods. Replace them with fresh and natural ingredients like lean meats, eggs, and vegetables. Traditional dog foods are high in carbohydrates which often lead to gastrointestinal upset, gas, and diarrhea. Make sure you introduce new foods slowly and begin by adding small amounts of fresh food to your pup’s current diet. Wait 3-5 days before increasing the amount to ensure they properly digest the food. Incorporate lean meats like turkey, chicken, or beef, as well as eggs, leafy greens, fresh fruits, and vegetables into their diet. If diarrhea persists over a few days, contact your veterinarian for a diagnosis.

Introducing new foods to your dog’s diet can be a tricky task. To ensure successful digestion, it is important to introduce new foods slowly. Begin by adding small amounts of new food to your pup’s current diet and wait 3-5 days before increasing the amount. If your dog is dealing with diarrhea, changing its diet may help. Try to remove processed foods from the diet and switch to fresher alternatives like lean meats, eggs, and vegetables. Traditional dog foods contain high amounts of carbohydrates which could cause gastrointestinal upset and worsen diarrhea. Incorporate lean meats such as turkey, chicken, or beef, as well as eggs, leafy greens, fresh fruits, and vegetables into their diet. Monitor your pup’s digestion while incrementally introducing new foods and if diarrhea persists longer than a few days, contact your veterinarian for diagnosis.

2. Choose Low-Fat Foods

When dealing with a dog suffering from diarrhea, it is important to ensure they have the right diet to help stop the problem. The first step is to choose low-fat foods, as too much fat can lead to a greasy stool, causing diarrhea. Consider choosing food options containing easily digestible ingredients, such as rice, oats, and vegetables.

In addition to choosing the right food, adjusting portion sizes is important, so your dog is not overeating. Ensuring that your pup only consumes the recommended amount of food can help control their blood sugar and prevent them from having an upset stomach. Additionally, adding probiotics to their diet can help balance out their digestive system and keep their gut healthy. With the right combination of diet changes, you should be able to get your pup back on track and feeling better in no time.

3. Avoid High Protein Diets

It’s important to be mindful of how much protein you feed your dog and avoid high-protein diets. High protein levels can be too rich for dogs and lead to an imbalance of bacteria in their intestines. Instead, choose foods with moderate protein sources, such as chicken, turkey, and fish.

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If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, it could be a sign that their diet is off balance or that there has been an unexpected change in the food they consume. Changing your dog’s diet is one way to help stop diarrhea. Make sure you transition to the new food slowly, introducing a small amount at first and then gradually increasing the proportion of new food over time. You should also pay attention to what foods your pet is eating and look for any elements that could be causing digestive issues. This can include high-fat meals, sugar, processed ingredients, or artificial additives. Adjusting their diet correctly can significantly improve digestive health and reduce any associated symptoms.

4. Offer Your Dog Probiotics

Many veterinarians recommend probiotic supplements for dogs suffering from diarrhea. Probiotics help restore balance in the gut by introducing beneficial bacteria that help digestion and absorption of nutrients. To ensure your dog benefits from probiotics, it is important to use high-quality supplements formulated specifically for dogs. Some brands offer dairy-based probiotics, which help to boost the immune system.

Changing your dog’s diet can also help alleviate or stop diarrhea bouts. Consider replacing your dog’s regular food with a bland diet, such as cooked white rice mixed with small amounts of cooked protein, such as chicken, fish, or lean beef. You can also add some low-fat plain yogurt as an additional source of probiotics. Adding boiled potatoes or sweet potatoes can also be beneficial. Monitor your dog’s symptoms and look for signs of improvement, such as firmer stools. If these dietary changes do not help, consult your veterinarian.

5. Increase Fiber Intake

Increasing the amount of fiber in your dog’s diet is important if they suffer from diarrhea. Fiber helps to add bulk to the stool and can lessen the effects of diarrhea when it is slowly introduced into a dog’s system. Small amounts of canned pumpkin, green beans, or oatmeal can all be used to add more fiber to their diet. It is best to gradually add fiber to your pet’s food to give them time to adjust. If any drastic changes are made too quickly, it can lead to more problems.

You should always consult your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet. They will be able to advise on the best course of action and provide you with tips on how to transition your dog’s diet safely. Depending on the severity of the problem, they may also recommend adding probiotics or supplements to their routine. It is important to ensure that your dog receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet.

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated to Prevent Diarrhea

Water is the most important nutrient for dogs, second only to oxygen! Unfortunately, dehydration is a common condition that can lead to uncomfortable and dangerous health problems, including diarrhea. Ironically, one of the common causes of this condition is a lack of water. To ensure your pup stays healthy and hydrated, here are five tips to prevent dehydration and its associated issues, such as diarrhea.

  1. Provide Fresh Water at All Times: Ensure your dog has access to clean, fresh water throughout the day. Place a few bowls in multiple locations around the house or yard so that your pup can easily quench its thirst when they need to.
  2. Use a Water Fountain: Investing in a pet water fountain can be an easy way to encourage your pup to stay hydrated. Many fountains come with a filter, ensuring the water is continually refreshed and clean.
  3. Try Frozen Treats: Frozen fruits and veggies make great snacks for your four-legged friend and can help boost hydration simultaneously! Just limit these treats to only once or twice a week.
  4. Use a Slow-Feed Bowl: If your pup tends to chug their water, using a slow-feed bowl can help them take their time while drinking, preventing them from too much too quickly and possibly ingesting air that can cause digestion issues.
  5. Offer Broth: Adding a small amount of broth (not containing onions or garlic!) to your pup’s meals can help keep them hydrated and can help enrich their meals at the same time.

Understanding the Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea in dogs is a common health problem. Various factors, including diet, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other health issues, cause it. It is important to understand the causes of diarrhea so that you can take steps to prevent it and treat your dog appropriately when it does occur.

First, dietary changes are a common cause of diarrhea in dogs. Eating something new or ordinary can upset your dog’s stomach and cause diarrhea. Additionally, certain foods can cause an allergic reaction or intolerance, resulting in diarrhea. It is important to gradually switch foods to allow your dog’s digestive system to adjust.

Second, bacteria, viruses, and parasites are common causes of diarrhea in dogs. Bacterial infections such as campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis can cause severe diarrhea. Viral infections such as parvovirus and coronavirus can also cause digestive problems. Additionally, gastrointestinal parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, and giardia can cause diarrhea.

Third, other health issues can cause diarrhea in dogs. Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis can cause chronic diarrhea, while stress and anxiety can also lead to digestive issues. Additionally, some medications can cause digestive problems as well. It is important to talk to your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your dog’s health or behavior that could be associated with diarrhea.

Finally, some lifestyle factors can lead to diarrhea in dogs. Eating directly from the garbage or drinking from unclean water sources can introduce bacteria into your dog’s system, leading to digestive issues. Additionally, if your dog is exposed to toxins or hazardous materials, this could also contribute to gastrointestinal problems.

Understanding the causes of diarrhea in dogs is important for preventing and treating this condition. By implementing dietary changes slowly, reducing stress levels, eliminating exposure to questionable substances, and staying proactive about monitoring your dog’s health, you can help ensure that your furry friend only experiences occasional digestive disturbances rather than chronic bouts of the dreaded runs!

How to Spot the Signs of a Serious Diarrhea Problem in Dogs

If you have a pup in your life, you know they can be prone to health issues. One of the most serious ailments affecting dogs is diarrhea, which can wreak havoc on their system if left untreated. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to spot the signs of a serious diarrhea problem in dogs and the causes and treatments available. By arming yourself with this knowledge, you can rest assured that your pup will stay healthy and happy if they ever become afflicted with this condition.

  1. Frequent and persistent diarrhea: If your dog has frequent bouts of diarrhea and persists for more than 48 hours, it may signify a serious health problem.
  2. Blood in the stool: Blood in the stool signifies something more serious than dietary indiscretion that may be happening with your dog.
  3. Weight loss: Significant weight loss can indicate a serious underlying disease causing diarrhea.
  4. Lethargy and lack of appetite: If your pup suddenly loses its appetite and becomes lethargic, it can be a sign of a serious problem.
  5. Pain or discomfort: If your dog appears to be in pain or has difficulty passing stools, it could indicate a serious health concern.
  6. Dehydration: Diarrhea causes fluids to be lost quickly, leading to dehydration. Monitor your pup’s water intake and look for signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, sunken eyes, and weak pulse, to determine if their diarrhea is serious.
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The Pros and Cons of Feeding a Raw Diet for Dogs with Diarrhea

A raw diet for dogs with diarrhea can be a great way to help them get the nutrition they need to get back on their paws. This article will discuss the pros and cons of feeding a raw diet for dogs with diarrhea to help you decide if this is the right route for your own pup. We’ll take a look at the benefits of feeding a raw diet, such as improved digestion, better nutrient absorption, and enhanced energy levels, while also discussing some potential drawbacks, such as the cost and need for careful research into the quality of ingredients.


  • A raw diet for dogs with diarrhea is more easily digested for their sensitive digestive system.
  • Nutrient absorption is better on a raw diet compared to a commercial diet.
  • Raw diets for dogs are typically more palatable, encouraging them to keep eating and prevent further upset stomachs.


  • Raw diets require careful preparation as some ingredients can be harmful if not carefully handled or cooked properly.
  • Raw diets may contain bones, which can splinter and cause obstruction or injury to the digestive system.
  • Raw diets may be more expensive than commercial diets, depending on the quality of the food purchased.

Using Probiotics to Help Treat Diarrhea in Dogs

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can aid digestion and provide numerous health benefits for dogs. They are often used to treat diarrhea, a common problem for dogs. Probiotics can help restore the balance of bacteria in the gut, so the dog’s body can function properly.

The first step to using probiotics to treat diarrhea in dogs is to identify the source of the issue. If the cause is a bacterial imbalance, adding probiotics may be beneficial. Probiotics can also be used with an antibiotic treatment if the cause is an infection. The goal is to restore the normal balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut so it can function properly.

Once you have identified the cause of diarrhea, you can start supplementing with a probiotic. You can ask your vet for advice on which probiotic to use or choose one formulated specifically for dogs. Be sure to give the dog the recommended dose by following the instructions on the package. Probiotics should be given daily until symptoms improve and then continue until diarrhea has resolved completely. With regular use, probiotics can help restore balance in the digestive system and improve overall digestive health for your dog.

Adding Fiber to Your Dog’s Diet to Control His Diarrhea

Adding fiber to your dog’s diet can be an effective way to control his diarrhea. Fiber is a carbohydrate that provides bulk to stools, absorbing excess moisture and helping to reduce diarrhea symptoms. The two main types of dietary fiber are soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber attracts water, while insoluble fiber absorbs it, and both types are important for proper digestion and stool consistency. Adding additional fiber to your dog’s diet can help to firm up stools, alleviate digestive discomfort and absorb toxins in the gut.

When adding fiber to your dog’s diet, there are several sources you can choose from. Common dietary fiber sources include pumpkin, oatmeal, sweet potato, barley, apples, and green beans. Psyllium husk is a popular supplement source of fiber that can be incorporated into your pet’s meals. When increasing the amount of fiber in your dog’s diet, it is important to do so gradually, as too much fiber too quickly can cause abdominal pain and bloat. Additionally, ensure that your pet gets plenty of hydration as fiber absorbs water from the digestive tract.

In some cases, if diarrhea persists even after dietary modification, you should contact your veterinarian as there may be an underlying health condition at play. Depending on the severity of your pet’s condition, they may prescribe medication or recommend changing the type of food your pet is eating. Regardless of the cause, adding fiber to your dog’s diet can help alleviate his symptoms and reduce episodes of diarrhea.

The Benefits of Feeding a Home-Cooked Diet to Help Stop Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea can be a concerning issue for any pet parent, as it can quickly lead to dehydration and malnutrition if left unchecked. A homemade diet for dogs, designed specifically for their individual needs, is an effective way to help stop diarrhea in dogs. Here are some of the benefits of feeding a home-cooked diet to help prevent diarrhea in dogs:

  1. Tailor-Made Nutritional Balance: Preparing homemade dog food allows you to create a balanced meal plan tailored to your pet’s needs. You can ensure your pup gets all the essential nutrients they need while avoiding ingredients that may upset their sensitive stomachs.
  2. Control Over Food Quality: When you’re making homemade meals for your dog, you can control the quality and source of ingredients used. This means you can choose the freshest and highest quality food items for your pup and avoid processed foods that contain unhealthy additives and fillers.
  3. Easier Digestion: Home-cooked meals are usually easy for dogs to digest, and because the ingredients are all-natural and not processed, they don’t contain added chemicals or preservatives, which can agitate an already sensitive digestive system. This can help ensure your pup’s stomach stays healthy and symptom-free.
  4. Cost-Efficient: Making homemade meals for your pet doesn’t have to be expensive. It can often be more cost effective than buying pre-packaged food. By choosing fresh, whole foods and buying in bulk, you can save money while providing quality nutrition for your pup.

Step-by-step How to Stop Diarrhea on Dogs

If your beloved dog is stricken with diarrhea, it can be a stressful and worrying experience. But the good news is that, in most cases, diarrhea can be managed at home with a few simple steps. We’ll provide you with practical tips to help make your dog’s recovery as quick and easy as possible. You’ll find out about the most important things to do to help your dog feel better and stay healthy. So don’t wait any longer; start following our steps today to get your pup back on track!

  1. Feed your dog a BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast). This simple diet helps absorb fluids in the intestines and adds electrolytes to your dog’s system, which can help stop diarrhea.
  2. Provide plenty of water for your dog to drink. Keeping them well-hydrated is important in helping them feel better and replenishing lost fluids due to diarrhea.
  3. Contact your veterinarian if your dog’s diarrhea persists or worsens. They may recommend over-the-counter medications to treat the symptoms, such as Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate.
  4. Supplement your dog’s diet with probiotic yogurt. It will help replenish any beneficial bacteria flushed out during diarrhea episodes and balance the pH levels in their gut.
  5. Add a teaspoon of canned pumpkin to your dog’s food. This helps to bulk up their stool and bind it together. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and can help reduce episodes of diarrhea.
  6. Give your dog cooked white rice with some lean chicken or hamburger, boiled to remove fat. Boiled chicken is an excellent protein source; rice helps restore electrolytes and soothe your dog’s digestive tract.
  7. Monitor your dog’s diet for a few days and ensure they eat enough food to maintain its energy levels. If their symptoms have subsided but they are still not eating much, introduce small amounts of new foods gradually to help them adjust without upsetting their stomach again.


If your dog suffers from diarrhea, you should take it to the vet. Your vet can determine the cause of diarrhea and create a plan of action to help your pup feel better. Depending on the cause, treatments like dietary changes, medications, or probiotics may be necessary.

In addition to the treatment prescribed by your vet, there are several ways to help your pup feel better while the diarrhea continues. Feed your dog smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, and stick to a bland diet like white rice and boiled chicken. Ensure your pup has access to plenty of clean drinking water, as diarrhea can cause dehydration. Increase fiber in their diet with boiled pumpkin or canned plain pumpkin puree. You can also give them probiotics or over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medications for dogs.

Though diarrhea can be an unpleasant experience for you and your pup, it’s important to stay vigilant and ensure your pup is getting enough care and nutrition. Take your dog to the vet immediately if you notice any prolonged diarrhea. You can help stop your dog’s diarrhea and get them back to good health with proper care and treatment.

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