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How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes in Your Yard: Natural Solutions

Garter snakes can be unwelcome visitors in many yards and homes, but they can be managed with a few simple measures. Firstly, keeping a neat yard, trimming overgrown vegetation, and mowing grass are important. This will limit the areas the snakes can hide and make it more difficult for them to find food. Removing potential food sources, such as bird feeders, compost piles, and pet food bowls, can also help reduce the yard’s attractiveness to the snakes.

Setting up a fence can help prevent them from entering the yard, and any cracks or crevices in your home’s foundation should be sealed up to prevent them from entering. Additionally, traps can be used to capture any snakes that do manage to get inside. By following these tips, you should easily be able to eliminate and prevent garter snakes in your yard and home.

Garter snakes are one of the most common snakes in North America, and they can be found in yards, gardens, and other outdoor areas. Unfortunately, they can become a nuisance if they are not properly managed. If you’re looking for ways to get rid of garter snakes from your property, this blog post is for you! We’ll cover seven natural solutions for addressing garter snakes, common repellents and deterrents, expert advice on keeping them away from your home, and easy DIY solutions.

We’ll also go over the best chemical-free methods for eliminating garter snakes, what to do if you find one in your home, an overview of nonlethal control methods, how to tell if you have an infestation and strategies for safely removing them from your property. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to get rid of garter snakes in no time!

How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes in Your Yard: 7 Natural Solutions

Do garter snakes have you feeling uneasy as you walk through your yard? Garter snakes may be harmless, but they can still be unwelcome in your yard. Fortunately, there are natural methods you can use to get rid of them. Here are 7 natural solutions to help you get rid of garter snakes in your yard:

  1. Remove Potential Food Sources: Remove potential food sources by keeping your garbage cans tightly closed and storing pet food inside.
  2. Grow Snake Repellent Plants: Certain plants, such as marigolds, garlic, and chili peppers, can act as a natural garter snake repellent.
  3. Install Fencing: Installing a fence around your yard can help keep out garter snakes and other wildlife.
  4. Minimize Hideouts: Keep your weeds trimmed and cut the tall grass to reduce potential hiding spots for garter snakes.
  5. Seal Up Holes: Check your house for cracks or gaps that garter snakes could enter, and seal them with caulk or hardware cloth.
  6. Encourage Natural Predators: Set up bird feeders and bat houses to attract garter snake predators like hawks, owls, cats, and other animals.
  7. Use a Commercial Repellent: Spraying a commercial garter snake repellent around your yard is another way to discourage the critters from entering your property.

Common Repellents and Deterrents to Get Rid of Garter Snakes

Garter snakes may be small, but they can be a nuisance in yards and gardens. While it may not be possible to eradicate garter snakes from your property completely, some common repellents and deterrents can help to discourage them. Knowing what options are available and how to use them effectively can help reduce the snake population in your area.

  1. Snake Repellent: Many store-bought snake repellents are available and are designed to be sprayed around the perimeter of your property. These typically contain ingredients such as sulfur or cayenne pepper, which the snakes find unpleasant and avoid.
  2. Ultrasonic Devices: Ultrasonic devices are designed to repel snakes by high-frequency emitting sounds that the reptile can hear but humans cannot.
  3. Fencing: If you want to keep garter snakes away from a certain area, a fence can help achieve that goal. Use fencing at least 24 inches high, with wire mesh at the bottom 6 to 8 inches deep and an overhang on top of the fence of at least 12 inches.
  4. Mulch and Wood Chips: Mulch and wood chips are not good habitats for garter snakes, so spread them around your property to discourage them.
  5. Mothballs: Mothballs contain a chemical that repels snakes, which can be scattered around your property to keep them away. Be sure to use only mothballs that are safe for outdoor use, and keep in mind that they may have an unpleasant odor for humans.
  6. Ammonia-Scented Soap: Hang bars of ammonia-scented soap near entrances to your home or other areas where you don’t want garter snakes to enter. The smell is unpleasant for them and will usually keep them away.
  7. Remove Potential Food Sources: Garter snakes feed on insects and worms, so clean up leaf litter, trim tall grasses in your yard, and remove potential hiding spots for insects, such as piles of wood or rocks.
Also Read:  How to Keep Snakes Away from Your House: Helpful Tips & Tricks

Expert Advice on Keeping Garter Snakes Away from Your Home

If you’ve ever encountered a garter snake in your home, you know it can be a nuisance. While they don’t threaten humans, they can be a nuisance due to their habit of hiding in small spaces. Fortunately, there are ways to keep garter snakes away from your home and ensure your family remains safe and comfortable. Here is some expert advice on keeping garter snakes away from your home:

  1. Prevent entry: Garter snakes often seek shelter in small spaces around the perimeter of homes. Ensure that all windows, doors, and other openings are tightly sealed to prevent access.
  2. Eliminate habitats: Garter snakes prefer damp and wet environments. Keep gutters clean and well-maintained, eliminate wood piles and trim back any overhanging tree branches that may offer a place for the snake to hide.
  3. Make your home inhospitable: Garter snakes won’t come into homes that don’t offer them a safe place to hide or find food. Keep your yard well-manicured, don’t leave pet food out, and remove sources of standing water.
  4. Set traps: If you already have garter snakes in your home, placing traps around the perimeter can help capture them before they enter. Choose traps designed specifically for garter snakes, and check them frequently.
  5. Seek professional help: If the problem persists, it may be time to call a professional pest control service experienced in removing garter snakes from homes.

Easy DIY Solutions for Getting Rid of Garter Snakes

Garter snakes are a common sight in many yards and gardens, and while their presence can be beneficial in helping to control pests, many homeowners prefer to get rid of them. Fortunately, several easy DIY solutions for getting rid of garter snakes can be implemented to reduce the population in your garden.

List of Easy DIY Solutions for Getting Rid of Garter Snakes:

  1. Regularly removing debris and clutter from your yard – This helps to eliminate hiding spots for garter snakes and reduce their comfort level.
  2. Installing snake-proof fencing – A simple fence or wall can help to discourage snakes from entering your property.
  3. Introducing predators – Natural predators such as owls, hawks, and foxes can help to keep the garter snake population at bay.
  4. Spreading a commercial repellent – Products like mothballs and ammonia can create a barrier that will keep the snakes away.
  5. Creating barriers with gravel or crushed rock – A layer of gravel or crushed rock around the perimeter of your yard will make it difficult for snakes to slither in.
  6. Planting snake-repelling plants – Several plants naturally repel snakes, including marigolds and lavender.

Keeping Garter Snakes Out of Your Garden: Best Practices for Prevention

Garter snakes are one of the most common species to inhabit gardens. As a result, it’s important for gardeners to know how to keep garter snakes out of their gardens and prevent them from becoming a nuisance. Fortunately, some simple best practices can be used to deter garter snakes from entering your garden.

Here is a list of the best practices for preventing garter snakes from getting into your garden:

  1. Create a barrier around the perimeter of your garden – A physical barrier such as a fence or wall can be a great way to keep garter snakes out of the area.
  2. Keep the garden clean – Removing potential food sources, such as rodents, insects, etc., can make your garden less appealing to garter snakes. They will likely move on if they cannot find an easy food source.
  3. Use natural repellents – Certain substances such as sulfur, garlic, and cayenne pepper can create an unpleasant smell that garter snakes will try to avoid.
  4. Trim back plants and shrubs – Garter snakes like to hide in tall grass or thick brush, so it’s important to keep things trimmed back to ensure they won’t settle in.
  5. Introduce predatory animals – By introducing potential predators such as owls, hawks, cats, and dogs into the area; you can help keep the garter snake population in check.
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The Best Chemical-Free Methods for Eliminating Garter Snakes

Are you looking for chemical-free ways to rid your property of garter snakes? While ingesting some chemicals can efficiently eliminate many pest problems, they’re not always suitable for garter snakes. Fortunately, several safe and effective methods can help you eliminate these pesky critters without using toxic chemicals. Here are the best chemical-free methods for eliminating garter snakes:

  1. Remove their food source – Garter snakes typically enjoy eating small insects, worms, frogs, and other small animals. Removing their food source from your yard is a great way to drive them away. Keep your grass mowed short, eliminate standing water, and keep outdoor pet food bowls indoors.
  2. Block entry points – Garter snakes can squeeze into very tight spaces, so it’s important to block off any potential entry points. Seal cracks or holes in your home’s foundation or walls with caulk. Make sure all windows and doors have tight-fitting screens and weatherstripping.
  3. Increase natural predators – Encouraging natural predators such as owls, hawks, opossums, foxes, and skunks can help to keep garter snakes away from your home. Setting out some birdhouses in your yard can attract birds of prey that will hunt the garter snake population in your area.
  4. Use traps – Traps are one of the most effective methods for removing garter snakes from your property. Place the traps in areas where you’ve seen snakes or where you believe they may be hiding. Once the snake is trapped, you can transfer it to another area far away from your home.
  5. Install barriers – Installing barriers around the perimeter of your yard can prevent garter snakes from entering your property in the first place. Bury chicken wire in the ground around gardens or other areas that may be attractive to snakes, as this will make it difficult for them to cross over.

These are just a few chemical-free methods for eliminating garter snakes on your property. With perseverance and patience, you should be able to drive these pests away and protect your family from harm.

What to Do If You Find a Garter Snake in Your Home

If you have stumbled across a garter snake in your home, don’t panic. Garter snakes are generally harmless and won’t cause any harm. Garter snakes are also valuable in controlling populations of rodents and small amphibians. Here are some tips for dealing with a garter snake in your home:

  1. Remain Calm: First things first, stay calm. Garter snakes pose no immediate threat to humans and pets, so there’s no need to panic.
  2. Get The Snake Out: Using a box, pail, or other containers, gently scoop up the snake and carry it outside. Place it away from your house to avoid it coming back inside.
  3. Take Safety Precautions: If you are nervous about handling the snake, wear thick gloves and long pants to protect yourself. Ensure you carefully secure the container’s lid before carrying the snake outside.
  4. Provide Habitat: If you wish to keep the snake as part of your wildlife garden, consider providing shelters such as logs or rocks and plenty of food sources like grubs and worms.
  5. Seal Any Entry Points: To prevent further infestations of garter snakes in your home, inspect any potential entry points around doors or windows and seal them off with caulk or weatherstrip.

Just remember, garter snakes aren’t dangerous and can be beneficial for keeping other pest populations in check. With the proper precautions, you can safely remove a garter snake from your home without worrying about harming you or your family.

An Overview of Non-lethal Control Methods for Garter Snakes

Garter snakes are a common species found in North America. They can be beneficial to have around your property as they feed on pests such as slugs and caterpillars. However, sometimes people are faced with snake invasions and need to take measures to control them. Non-lethal control methods for garter snakes can include the use of deterrents, exclusion techniques, and the use of humane traps.

Deterrents are substances used to repel the snakes away from a given area. This can include substances like ammonia, garlic, and mothballs. Exclusion methods involve blocking off or limiting the snake’s access to particular areas by using fencing, screening, or other physical barriers.

Also Read:  How to Repel Snakes from Your Home: An Easy How-To Guide

Humane traps are designed to capture the snake safely and humanely. These traps often feature a funnel placed at the den entrance or burrows they inhabit. Once the snake enters the funnel, it cannot exist independently. This allows for effectively capturing one or more snakes without the risk of harming them.

Finally, it is important to identify the source of the infestation before taking control measures. This can help prevent populations from returning in the future. Removing potential food sources such as accumulations of trash, pet food, and vegetation can help discourage further infestations by garter snakes.

In summary, there are several non-lethal control methods for controlling garter snake populations that can be used in a variety of situations. These techniques involve using deterrents, exclusion techniques, and humane traps to capture and relocate the snakes. Identifying and removing food sources is also recommended to help prevent further infestations.

How to Tell If You Have a Garter Snake Infestation and What to Do About It

If you suspect you have a garter snake infestation, the first step is to confirm that the snake is indeed a garter snake. They are easily identifiable due to their slender bodies, which can reach up to three feet in length, with three creamy-colored stripes running down the length of their backs.

Once you have confirmed a garter snake infestation, acting quickly to contain and manage the problem is important. Garter snakes are often drawn to areas with lots of moisture and abundant food sources, such as pet food, bird seed, and garden vegetables. To reduce their access to these food sources, keep pet food and bird seed stored in sealed containers and use fencing to protect your garden from predators.

It is also important to ensure that your home does not provide shelter for garter snakes. Seal any potential entry points around your foundation, windows, and doors with caulking or weather stripping. Additionally, remove piles of debris that may offer hiding places for garter snakes and trim back overgrown bushes and foliage.

If your efforts to control the infestation naturally do not prove successful, products can be used to repel garter snakes from your property. These products typically contain an unpleasant odor or taste for the snakes but are safe for humans, pets, and other wildlife.

Finally, if you have exhausted all other control measures, it may be necessary to enlist the help of a professional pest control service. A pest control specialist will be able to identify the causes of the infestation and recommend the best course of action for your unique situation.

Strategies for Safely Removing Garter Snakes from Your Property

Removing garter snakes from your property can be a tricky prospect. Not only are garter snakes harmless and beneficial, but they can also be a nuisance if they take up residence in your garden or yard. Fortunately, you can employ a few simple strategies to safely and humanely remove garter snakes from your property.

Ideas for Safely Removing Garter Snakes from Your Property:

  1. Move the snake elsewhere: Gently scoop it up with a shovel or dustpan and release it in a nearby area away from your house, like a nearby park or nature preserve.
  2. Make the area less hospitable: If the snake is coming into your yard to feed or take shelter, reduce its access to the things it needs by removing sources of food and hiding spots (such as piles of leaves or logs).
  3. Erect barriers: You can install fencing around your yard or garden to deter snakes from entering. For small spaces, such as a flower bed, caulk small gaps in the paving stones or other areas where a snake could gain entry.
  4. Use repellents: Commercial repellents are designed to keep away snakes and other pests. Don’t use chemical repellents if you have pets, as some of them may harm animals.
  5. Consider calling an exterminator: If you have many snakes in your yard, it may be best to call an exterminator who is experienced at humanely removing them from residential areas.


Getting rid of garter snakes can be daunting, but you can take some simple steps to ensure a snake-free environment. The first step is to ensure that your property is not attractive to these slithery creatures. Garter snakes like grassy areas, gardens, and yards, so keeping a well-manicured lawn and removing tall vegetation can help reduce the chances of a garter snake infestation. Additionally, trim any trees or shrubs to reduce potential hiding spots and nesting places.

The next step is to seal any potential entry points into your home or property. Garter snakes are small enough to fit through tiny cracks and crevices, so inspect your home’s foundation for any openings and seal them with caulk or expanding foam insulation. Repair any damage to screens on windows or doors, as this can also provide an entry point for these animals.

Finally, if all else fails, you may need to contact a professional pest control expert specializing in snake control and removal. They will be able to assess the situation and recommend a course of action to effectively and safely remove the snakes from your property. With the right technique and dedication, you can be sure your property will soon be rid of garter snakes.

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